1-of-1 Life Skills for Post Graduate Programs


Imagine a team full of players who truly understand the power in making goals and staying focused on them. Imagine a team full of players who know the role that input plays in their thinking and how they can change their input to align with where they are going. Imagine a team full of players who are developing great time management skills and creating positive and productive habits. Imagine a team full of players who have created and strive to live by their own personal core values as well as your team’s core values. I can imagine that you would have a winning team! On and off the field.


 Post Graduate - Team Program:

As a Coach, we know the positive impact we can have on our students. This is especially true for a post graduate program. As coaches, we know how busy you can be during the season, and with a Post Graduate Program, you typically only have access to the players during their playing season. Let 1-of-1 Life Skills help.

We can work individually 1-on-1 with your entire team or just with the students you feel would benefit most from our program. Our team program consist of 16 weeks of one-on-one, individualized meetings and may also include group meetings when applicable.


Cost of the Team Program:

The cost of the 16 week team program is based off of the number of students you have. The more students you have the more you will save per student.

  • 5-10 Students - $400.00 per student.

  • 11-20 Students - $350.00 per student.

  • 21-30 Students - #325.00 per student.

  • 31+ Students - $300.00 per student.


 Lets Get Started:

Let your coaches focus on football, the players focus on their core classes and test prep, and let us focus on teaching them the student success and life skills that will help them in college and in life. It’s time for us to try a different approach and work to change the retention and graduation rates we see today. To learn more and get your program signed up, click on the FREE INFO SESSION button to set up a time to meet with Coach Cox and get started.



Click the link below to find out more ways 1-of-1 Consulting can assist your program.